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lol I saw that image and recognized the well immediately! 

The Artesian Well is a single-player game played by both drawing and writing about being drawn back to the mythology of your hometown.

It's 4 pages, with a solid photo cover and readable layout---although there is some weirdness there. Half of the document is in bold and the other half isn't, and there's a few places where there should be a line between paragraphs but there isn't.

Mechanically, you play be answering detailed, relatively personal questions about your fictional town and the fictional well at the heart of it---from which a single drink will tether your soul to the place for all eternity.

The writing in Artesian Well is very strong, and its questions and prompts are rolled out in a way that draws you deeper into the story.

There isn't a ton of concrete resolution at the end---you don't get an option to brick over the well---but the game does a *very* good job of making you think and reflect.

Overall, if you like introspective games that examine your relationship with the place where you grew up, you should check this out. It's very effective.